Browse the Garden

Monday, January 10, 2011

Moment Mondays: Moment One

It was the most beautiful time to be in Animal Kingdom. With only the cast members in the park, the quiet atmosphere made the work area a place of scenic mystery. My favorite place to walk was along the path where my Ice Cream cart faced the Thai Bus and Mt. Everest. With the attraction all lit up and the lanterns winking on one by one, I would slowly make my way back to the work base. First I had to cross the bridge once I came to the crossroads between the tree of life, Asia and Africa. Ladybug lanterns lit the way down the trail and a soft, warm mist hovered in the air. Themed music echoed in the distance while the cart rolled past the giant gate which featured carvings of Lions, Giraffes and Zebras. Hidden Mickeys also occupied the road as I reached the main Village. Each building was covered with bright colored patterns of animals. Even the Tree of life was lit by bright spotlights. I will never forget those late night walks. With barely anyone around, the journey was an inspirational step in a forest far from the streets of Florida.

(photo from

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