Browse the Garden

Monday, February 25, 2013

Heartsong of the week: "Where Do I Go From Here?" from Pocohantas II

This song really describes what I'm going through right now. And I've been told that many people my age feel this way. I'm really lost in so many aspects of my life. I push as much as I can to achieve my dreams, but I still don't feel like I know where I belong. I've gone through so much already, and I'm sure that it's just the beginning, but I really need to step up.
 I need to discover what I really want, and just go for it. The reason why I am so lost is because I feel trapped by both the past and the future. They swirl around me and buzz like insects, constantly reminding me that they are there, just waiting for me to fall back on old habits or plunge into the unknown with no protection. Like many people I have known, I refuse to let the past happen again, but I'm also terrified of the future. Is this whining? Yep. And if I know one thing, the world hates whining. But at the same time, this is my blog, and I am trying to actually listen to my heart now, instead of push it away or ignore the fact that it's even there. But I've done that so many times, that it isn't easy to admit this even to my self. With all that I have done, in the past and all that I will do in the future, my goal is to find where I truly belong.
So this is the song in my heart for now, telling me that I need to find the path, and begin my destiny.

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