Browse the Garden

Sunday, December 1, 2013

A Daily Writer's Obstacles

Sometimes the best way to deal with an obstacle is to identify it. I haven't been writing much lately, so I thought I would list the distractions and come up with tips to help me focus on writing more. I know I'm not alone with organizing my time. 
Feel free to offer any other tips.

Here are my current obstacles:

Shopping- the number one distraction that destroys my focus. Especially when sales are beckoning.

Facebook- a great way to pass the hours without even noticing. The latest updates are always ready and waiting for you to read about friends and family.

Tumblr- does this one even need an explanation? So many distractions, from random rants to fan made playlists, videos and over all obsessions with fandom.

Pinterest- you don't even notice the hours as they fly by. New boards to create, new pins to pin, and those great craft ideas you wish you could actually do.

Naps- especially after a long day, sometimes writing time becomes nap time

Life- every now and then life gets in the way. Chores, activities, tv shows, paperwork, and even dentist appointments.

So how do you get by these obstacles? Here are a few tips:

1. Carry a notebook and pen/pencil with you always. Great ideas will come to you when you least expect it.
2. Live for awhile. Yes writing is important, but if you don't allow yourself to have fun, your stories won't be fun. 
3. Hang out with other writers. It's great to bounce ideas around, relate to common writing issues and go over writing tips with people in the same boat as you. 
4. Devote some time to inspiration. Take a walk. Go on a mini adventure. Go somewhere new, or try new things to broaden your horizons. 
5. Think about/ write/ read your story before going to sleep. Sometimes dreams can help you solve problems, and what better problem to fix than a story problem?

It's important to prioritize, But life isn't just about writing. If you can, organize your distractions and keep writing. Good luck! 

(I'll do my best to follow these tips as well.)
What helps you write?

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