Browse the Garden

Monday, July 2, 2012

30 days of writing

A challenge posted on tumblr inspired me to do all these prompts as blogs.

Prompt 1: Beginning

Some say that the end is a new beginning. Whenever something changes, it is an opportunity to start anew. Try something different, and take another step on the road of life.
Beginnings can be many different things. A new location, a new attitude and a new look can be such a change that you feel you are beginning a nee life. These beginnings help is grow. Some are choices: a new job, relationship or project teaches you more about yourself.
First impressions, the first bike ride, the first steps and the first notes of a song are memorable. The first sentence or paragraph of a story is the most important part and the most difficult to write, aside from the end.
Beginning something involves a change to normal every day routine.
Beginning is an act of accepting change, and introducing yourself ti a new chapter or story in your life.

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