Browse the Garden

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

30 day challenge day 23: Thousand

Prompt: Thousand

Maybe a journey isn't just a big trek to a destination. Maybe it is a thousand small steps. Each step leading you somewhere and directing you on the right path. With each step, you gain the confidence to believe you will reach your goal. Maybe some steps will be more sucessful than others. Some steps could be leaps, or skips. Other steps might lead you back. Perhaps you forgot something or missed someone, so you turn around for a little while.
Where will you be in a thousand steps? Will you have a hill to climb? A river to cross? A tunnel to go through? Will you trip and fall? Will you run on some days and even stop moving on other days?
Regardless of what steps you take, or even how far you have come, this journey will change you. Some people must take more steps than others. But maybe that doesn't matter if they discover where they want to go.
Maybe it is best to ignore how many steps you've taken, as long as you're moving.
A thousand steps or a thousand ideas.

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