Browse the Garden

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


In the epic movie The Prince of Persia, Dastan tells princess Tamina, "I believe we make our own destiny. . ." This quote stuck with me and made me think.
The idea of destiny is that there is a plan and a goal to fulfill in life. The path will always lead to the same destination no matter which way you turn. The idea that we make our own destiny is that no matter what people say might be our fate, we can change that if we have the motivation to. Destiny may exist, and it may be a self fulfilling prophecy that we give ourselves in order to be accomplished. Destiny can be good or bad depending on the way we view it. So if something is your destiny, is this because you decided this was your fate? Or was the fate predicted for you? If you decide you won't be a certain way, chances are you wont.
This must be why therapists want people to think positive. There has to be a motivation in order to reach the ultimate goal. This goal could be destiny. As with most things in life, it could be a blessing or a curse.
Although, I agree with Dastan. I think we choose to be who we are, and that destiny is the goal we reach to decide who we are. So what is destiny? Is it fate or choice that governs life? Or maybe it is something in between. Decisions you make can also determine your fate. In a way you control your destiny by deciding who to be.
All this from one simple quote in a movie about turning back time. It's an interesting topic to discuss.
So do characters choose to be who they are, or does the author?

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